Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for Hubby, my family, my new job which is going really well so far, my wonderful girlfriends, health, happiness and all that great stuff!

Today I woke up at noon! It was SO nice! I had planned to make "Thanksgiving Lunch" but Hubby who had gotten up before me was hungry already so we decided to make a frozen pizza and save the Thanksgiving part for later.

Hubby played video games and I decided to treat myself to a movie out. I went to see Four Christmases...if you're thinking of going to see this let me save you some's not good.

Oh well, I came home and started dinner. Hubby doesn't really care for Turkey so I made one of his favorite meals, Paprika Chicken. I hardly ever make it anymore because now that I'm a grown up and have to cook for myself I can't stand cooking raw chicken...but this time I asked Hubby to cook the chicken and I added the sauce later. I also made green bean casserole which is Hubby's favorite and mashed potatoes with cheddar cheese and bacon (my favorite) then we had Jello No-Bake Pumpkin Style dessert for dessert. It was ok, but not really as good as regular pumpkin pie or regular cheesecake...oh well, it was easy!

After dinner we put up the tree and decorations. It was nice except I was too lazy to clean up the boxes, etc. I'll deal with all that tomorrow...

Then we watched the movie This Christmas, again save your energy, it wasn't that good either...although better than the other movie.

Now Hubby is back to playing video games and I am posting to my blog. Hope you had a very Happy Thanksgiving as well!

Monday, November 17, 2008

I Finally Figured out Football!

This is a picture of Me and Hubby at the High School State Championship Semi-Final Game cheering on a local team! (They won by the way-by 1 point in overtime! And we will be going to the Final the day after Thanksgiving!)

I am not typically a fan of football. Although I did enjoy the occasional HS football game when I was younger but it was mostly about the warm blankets and the hot chocolate and hanging out with friends. We never really watched the game.

I hate watching football on TV, BUT I love football movies! My favorite is Friday Night Lights (not the TV show!) I like them because they just show all the good parts of the game and I don't have to try and figure out what's going on.

Many friends have tried to explain the rules of the game to me many times, but I just never got it...until last Friday! It must have been the atmosphere...the excitement and the fact that I was actually WATCHING the game but I've finally figured out football!

Friday, November 14, 2008

I made this for you

One of the many, many reasons I love my job!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day

To My Veteran! Thanks for serving our country! I love you!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Book Worm

I love to read! I also love to share good books with friends so here is a list of some good fiction books I've read in case you're looking for something to read!

The Last Sin Eater - Francine Rivers
Dairy Queen - Catherine Gilbert Murdock
Redeeming Love - Francine Rivers
A Northern Light - Jennifer Donnolly
Defiant Heart, Distant Heart & Dangerous Heart - by Tracey Bateman (3 different books)
Stargirl - Jerry Spinelli
Jinx - Meg Cabot
Pants on Fire - Meg Cabot
Harry Potter 1-7 - J.K. Rowling
All Baby Sitters club books! - Ann M. Martin