Friday, February 26, 2010's been awhile...

Yeah so I fell of the joy wagon...well not be honest the reason I got behind on blogging about it and about proclaiming it is because things have pretty much been joyful for awhile now :) I kept feeling guilty that I was behind on blogging and I kept forgetting to ask J what his joy was or tell him about mine and then one day I realized it was because I wasn't conciously searching for joy each day I was just enJOYing it!

Now onto other things...

Tonight at small group we discussed (among LOTS of other things) characteristics and attributes of Christ. One thing that I thought about was that Jesus was relational and I suddenly started thinking about when Jesus was in the garden praying before his crucifixion and the disciples fell asleep. I almost started crying thinking about how Jesus just wanted a relationship with the disciples...he wanted them to be there WITH him and instead they fell asleep. And sadly that's exactly what I do...there's so much about Jesus and God and the Bible and Christianity that I don't know anything about or that I don't understand but I know that Jesus wants a relationship with me and 90% of the time I fall asleep (sometimes literally).

On a positive note my class schedule changed for this trimester and it's wonderful! Praise the Lord! :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

100 Days of Joy - Back that thing up!

Wow, so I'm close to a week behind! Don't worry I've still been finding joy :) just haven't been posting it...hopefully I can remember some of them!

Day 24 (Saturday) - Today I found joy in getting things done! AND in hanging with hubs!
So I had class today...which is ok because I enjoy these classes AND I met with my advisor and finally put all my classes on paper! Sadly I discovered that I can't student teach in the spring of 2011 because there aren't 12 weeks of school left...SO I have to wait until Fall of 2012...BUT at least I have an actual date for it now! And that should make those of you who don't want us to move happy... ;)

Also when I got home from school J and I were going to go to Red Lobster but he was on call for work and he got called in right before I got home, so I went with him. Now going on a call with hubby doesn't sound like the most exciting thing because mostly I just sit in his van while he goes and fixes people's furnaces (don't worry, he leaves it running for me!) but I really like going with him. There's something sexy about a hard workin' husband...just sayin' :)

Day 25 (Sunday) - Today I found joy in sleeping in.
Alright...I skipped church...there I said it. I overslept in the first place and had a monster headache and I haven't slept in in weeks. So I slept until noon, ate lunch and by 1:30 I was ready for a nap! ;) Although I never actually did go back to sleep but I did laze around all day...

Day 26 (Monday) - Today I found joy in shopping with hubby!
I can't believe I just said that...But really I did. We have put off going to Aldi for over two weeks...our cupboard were BARE! So we just bit the bullet and went. What I like about shopping with hubby is that we always get done so quick...I seriously take forever when I'm by myself...even when I'm trying to hurry!

Day 27 (Tuesday) - Today I found joy in setting up my classroom observation FINALLY!
So my observation starts on Friday. I've had this all set up with my job for over a week and my first paper is due on Saturday BUT I didn't actually have a school to go to until today! PLUS I get to go to Meadowcreek Christian School! I observed a junior high class there last year and I just love the school and can't wait to go back!!!

Day 28 (TODAY) - Today I found joy in kiddos.
Just when I think they're going to drive me up the wall (it's been a long week again!) they go and say or do something absurdly cute or sweet or smart and it's all over for me. I'm in love with them all over again. I imagine this is how a parent feels except I get it x7 each day! Lucky me :) Plus I get to send them home with someone else! Although I get the frustration x7 it's a toss up...But seriously I've had some major cases of the terrible two's in my room the last few weeks...testing and trying my patience at every turn but when one of them holds out their arms for a hug, or lays their head on your shoulder when you hold them, or sits next to you and watches you cut out paper hearts for ten minutes without moving, or gets excited over a box of paper, or picks up toys without being forced, or makes and adorable face while singing the Monkeys and the Alligator song during the "along comes Mr. Alligator" part, or falls asleep on their own at naptime, or sleeps ALL THE WAY THROUGH NAPTIME!, or tells you when they have to go potty, or gets excited to "go potty" everytime someone mentions it, or sings the "Who is here today" song all by themselves when no one is watching (or at least they THINK no one is watching), or carries around a baby doll holding it close and kissing it's head (then throws it across the room when daddy comes to pick them up...but whatever), or gets excited about "circle time", or carries their carpet square all the way across the room alone even though the "square" is almost bigger than they are, or helps a smaller child get a chair for lunchtime...I could seriously go on and on...but all these things and more are what make me love my job!

What's your joy today?

Oh and here's an updated picture of our box :)