Friday, January 29, 2010

100 Days of Joy

Day 23 - Today I found joy in a GINORMOUS box!
So yesterday I call hubby from work and he say's "I got a present for you. You can use it at work." and I ask "What is it?" because I hate surprises and he says "It's a box." The normal persons response would be "A box? Gee thanks..." but my response was "YAY! Is it a big one?" "It's huge" says hubby "It's an oven box. I don't even know if you'll be able to get it in car." And now picture me jumping up and down gleefully at the thought of this box to which hubby responds "You're crazy."

Move forward to today when I pry open the back of hubby's work truck at 7:15am in the FREEZING cold and see THE BOX! He wasn't kidding, it's HUGE! GINORMOUS even. I pull it out, drag it across the driveway and manage to just barely get it in my car. I'm a rearview mirror driver so I got a good look at the top of the box all the way to work because I kept forgetting it was there. I drug it inside my classroom at work then told all my co-workers to come see the present hubby got for me! Everyone of course loved it (although probably not quite as much as me)and the kids loved it most of all! They grabbed books and climbed right in. How two years olds know without prompting that a HUGE box is a GREAT place to enjoy a book is beyond me but they're right! I wish I had a huge box to crawl into sometimes.

My kids LOVE boxes, of all shapes and sizes...we have a whole corner of our classroom dedicated to cardboard boxes. One is long and skinny and typically gets turned into a boat, several are average sized diaper boxes which get worn as hats, used as cars or even shoes. One is painted like Lightning McQueen from the movie Cars (courtesy of me thank you very much) although he is torn on the side so he has to remain stationary while the others get pushed and pulled around the room all day. We also have the "pumpkin house" which is an orange box with black stripes, a door and windows. The pumpkin house is used for reading books, hiding from Miss Vesta, spilling tears or playing peek-a-boo with friends. And NOW we have the GINORMOUS box! I can't wait to see all the things they'll use it for!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

100 Days of Joy

Day 22 - Today I found joy in HAPPY HAIR!
So one of my little girls at work who is two always has her hair in a ponytail and one day she started pointing to her hair and saying happy hair and my co-worker and I FINALLY figured out after several days I think that "Happy Hair" means pigtails! We confirmed this with her mother when she said that once the girl had not been happy with just one ponytail so she put two in and said "there, are you happy?" So now happy hair is the thing to have in Miss Vesta's class and nearly every morning all the girls (with hair...) stop at the "beauty shop" (a.k.a. the blue chair) to get happy hair! Some of the boys ask for happy hair too but I have to tell them sadly that they don't have enough hair... :(
I wish I could show you pics of my kiddos happy hair because their's is WAY cuter than mine! But here's my happy hair for you...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

100 Days of Joy

Day 21 - Someday's it's REALLY hard to find joy...

Today was one of those days. CRAZY kids at work who test and try my patience for 8 hours straight...homework homework homework to do on my lunch break...figuring out how to fit 20 hours of classroom observation into a 40 hour work week plus school and once again homework...ridiculously cold weather...a trip to the chiropractor for tension just seemed like it would never end and even if it did all the things that made today bad will STILL be there tomorrow...

BUT in spite of all that I came home, had dinner with my hubby and some quiet time and all is right with my world. Joy at last ;)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

100 Days of Joy - Behind Again!

Day 18 (Sunday) - Today I found joy in portable Mike.
If you weren't there you probably won't find it funny ;)

Day 19 (Monday) - Today I found joy in hubby making me dinner!
I had to work late on Monday so I didn't get to the gym until after 7pm. Hubby finished working out then went home and made dinner for me :)

Day 20 (Today) - Today I found joy in hubby...
Ok I know it seems like hubby is my go-to joy but seriously when I have a bad/looong day at work (like I did today) coming home to my wonderful hubs is about the best thing a girl could ask for!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

100 Days of Joy

Day 17 - Today I found joy in a quiet space and finishing homework early
I went to the library after class today and worked on homework. I'm such a procrastinator generally but it's so nice to get stuff done early and the library forces me to do that. I love the library at school, it's so quiet!

Friday, January 22, 2010

100 Days of Joy

I tried to post yesterday's joy last night but blogger wasn't working so here's yesterday's and today's...
Day 15-Today I found joy in music.
Whether you have the same taste in music as me or not doesn't bother me. Believe or not I actually have quite a broad range of musical tastes. I LOVE listening to classical (99.5 FM) and we listen to it everyday at naptime at work. I find it calming and sometimes intriguing! I like Third Day and Sara Groves, Ginny Owens, lots of different country musicians, Metro Station, Honor Society, Grits, Kris Kross (they'll make ya jump jump), I even enjoy a little Metallica now and again and yes we all know I LOVE the Jonas Brothers. Well I love their music, I don't actually know THEM. too bad...but my rambling point here is that I JUST love music. It feeds my soul, it makes me smile, sometimes cry, shout, dance. It moves me like nothing else can. I went to see Nick Jonas and the Administration in concert tonight and what struck me was the intensity with which he sings. That was a weird sentence but anyway he is obviously moved by music. Music brings people together, it tell stories, it lets people express themselves. I just love it and I always will!

Day 16 - Today I found joy in far away friends.
Well this kind of comes from yesterday but it spilled over into today so there. I have a group of friends who live far away from me. Most of them I've never met in person and we don't have a TON in common but we get each other in many ways. I'm sure we won't all keep in touch forever but I know they understand things about me that other people don't. Plus they make me smile and they give really good pep talks.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

100 Days of Joy

Day 14 - Today I found joy in the little things!
--Found my favorite earrings in the whole world which I thought I'd lost at the gym, lying in the snow outside my car this morning!!

--One of my kiddos wearing a toy construction helmet and pushing it down on his nose which wrinkled up his skin and made him look like a Star Trek creature which made me laugh...a lot!

--Getting to work on time AGAIN :)

--Getting permission to leave early tomorrow so I can make it to the Meet & Greet in time!

--Finding a 7th row ticket online tonight :)

--Hubby starting dinner before I got home.

--A visit to the chiropractor to hopefully get rid of my headaches!

--Getting my car washed FINALLY!!!

--A happy heart <3

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

100 Days of Joy - oops!

I'm a few days behind! Don't worry though I claimed my joy for each of those days...I just didn't post it online :) Here you go...

Day 11 (Sunday) - Today I found joy in shopping with my hubby.
This is a rare occurrence and usually it isn't all that fun but this time I was trying to spend my Christmas money and he was helping me. I ended up buying a video camera that I returned on Tuesday because it was a piece of junk. Oh least we had fun buying it!

Day 12 (Monday) - Today I found joy in working out!
It's true. We joined a gym by our house on Sunday and worked out for the first time today. It was exhausting yet energizing and I'm looking forward to more. Plus hubby's really cute when he's working out...just sayin ;)

Day 13 (TODAY) - Today I found joy in my husband (and no kids!).
Working out with hubby.
Dinner with hubby.
A Movie with hubby.
No offense to people with kids...but I'm glad I only have to worry about hubby and me :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

100 Days of Joy

Day 10 - Today I found joy in dark chocolate peppermint icecream and a sausage calzone.
Today was but long...and I'm tired. I came home to a sweet hubby who "forced" me to drink tons of water and gave me lots of hugs. I ate a sausage calzone that I slaved over earlier and finished it off with cold stone creamery dark chocolate peppermint ice cream. Sigh...good day...

Friday, January 15, 2010

100 Days of Joy

Day 9 - Today I found joy in my best friend/husband
I love my husband. He is my best friend and even though we don't always agree and we have barely anything in common and he thinks I'm crazy sometimes I ALWAYS feel comfortable with him and I love when we have conversations that aren't about finances or what to make for dinner, etc. I love when we talk about just stuff...important or not we're just enjoying each other :)
Also he's pretty cute so...there's that <3

Thursday, January 14, 2010

100 Days of Joy -- It's CONTAGIOUS!

Day 8 - Today I found joy in someone else's joy :)
So I have this coworker (you know who you are *wink wink*) and she's totally taken to this whole joy in your day thing which I LOVE :) And every time she tells me her joy(s) for the day it makes me smile and makes ME feel joyful! So thanks for your friendship and for sharing your joy with me! Joy is contagious I guess :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bonus Joy :)

I was just looking at my records and registration page for school and realized that it finally says JUNIOR!!! Praise the Lord!

And it's only taken TEN years ;)

100 Days of Joy - DOUBLE DOSE

So last night I got home to late to post my joy and let me tell you this morning was rough. I wasn't very patient with my kids at work :( So here's yesterdays joy AND today's :)

Day 7 - Today (Yesterday) I found joy in spending time with GREAT friends
We are part of a small group at our church or "young married couples" and they are all amazing people and wonderful friends! Us girls (is that gramatically correct?) go out for birthday dinners several times a year and just hang out other times. Last night was a birthday dinner and it was so nice to just relax and enjoy good fellowship!

Day 8 - Today I found joy in winning Meet & Greet tickets!
So most of you probably won't understand why this makes me happy and you definitely won't care but I'm going to see Nick Jonas next Thursday at the State Theatre and I entered the meet & greet contest assuming I wouldn't win but today I got an email saying that I had! Even though I mysteriously lose my ability to speak when I meet celebrities (I don't know head knows they're just regular people but still...) it's still fun to meet them :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

100 Days of Joy

Day 6-Today I found joy in today.
I can't really think of one specific thing but it was just a good day :) Praise the Lord!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

100 Days of Joy

Day 5-Today I found joy in a church that prays together!
Today at church our sermon was on prayer and at the end of the service there were 6 stations set up with different opportunities for prayer, ending with communion. We've done this once before and I love it. First I think it's great that my church see's the importance of practical application and also what a great way to come together as a body!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

100 Days of Joy-Todays Joy brought to you by classes I actually like!

Day 4 - Today my joy was sitting through 8 hours of classes I actually benefited from!
So yeah, this trimester I have Children's Literature/Language Arts and Reading Methods. Both classes are on Saturday so I only have to go to Minneapolis ONCE every other week. Both classes started today and both classes are interesting, relevant and meaningful to me! I'm excited to learn how to teach reading and how to use literature in my classroom :) I LOVE LOVE LOVE books and I love hearing about new books and other people's favorite books, etc. No more DNA or tiny cells or plasma membranes!!! PTL!!

In honor of today's joy I'm including a lengthy list of some of my favorite books :) Check them out!

The Last Sin Eater - my ALL TIME favorite book! Every time I read it I enjoy it and find something new to love about it.
The Great Gilly Hopkins
The Westing Game
Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry/Let the Circle Be Unbroken/Road to Memphis
The Hobbit
Wild Roses
The Nature of Jade
Where the Wild Things Are
How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?
The Chosen/The Promise
Animal Farm
Ramona (ALL of them!)
The Berenstain Bears (especially the Messy Room and Afraid of the Dark and Mama Gets a Job)
Harry Potter (ALL)
Tales of the Kingdom/Tales of the Resistance
The Bicycle
The Babysitters Club
Redeeming Love
The Neverending Story
The Giving Tree
The Missing Mitten Mystery
Horton Hatches the Egg
Fox in Socks

Oh my goodness there are so many escaping me right now...what are you favorites? AND what's your joy today?

Friday, January 8, 2010

100 Days of Joy

Day 3-Today I found in joy in going home early and a husband who shares!
So I got to skip my break today and leave an hour early and even though I love my job it's nice to get home while the sun is still up! Plus I finally got to go to the post office :)

THEN to add to an already joyful day hubby gave me his last moon pie for dessert...even though I already scarfed down two boxes of my own moon pies (not tonight). He always eats his slowly over weeks and takes his time...mine are usually gone in a few days! See we don't have moon pies in Minnesota so my mom buys them for us in Missouri and she gave us each two boxes at Christmas. Thanks for sharing J!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

100 Days of Joy

Day 2-Today I found joy in friendship with coworkers.
When I left work today I called Jarrod and the first thing he said to me was "What's your joy today?"...I hadn't decided yet because quite frankly it's much easier to think of all the not joyful moments of the day. But what I decided is that today I found joy in being friends with my coworkers! I've worked with plenty of people in my life who I didn't get along with, people who rubbed me the wrong way, people who just aren't my cup of tea...but I've also worked with plenty of people I do get along with and at my current job I've found even better than who make me laugh and make work a fun place to be :D

What did you find joy in today?

Oh and also 9 cent prints at Walgreens through Saturday

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

100 Days of Joy

Last night I decided that I am far too negative. I challenged myself (and Jarrod decided to join me) to 100 Days of Joy. I already pray every morning for Jarrod to find Joy in his day because I know he hates his job and it's cold, etc. And I realized I should probably pray the same for myself. So I'm vowing to find Joy in even something little for the next 100 days (at least!).

Day #1 - Today I found Joy in the way toddlers think and the funny things they say.
While playing with playdoh with my kids today at work one little girl saw me rolling out a playdoh snake and she wanted one too, then she saw me roll a playdoh ball for someone else and decided she wanted that also, then after overhearing a conversation between me and the other teacher which basically involved me saying "you want an eyebrow wax" this little one brought her playdoh to me and said she wanted an eyebrow wax too :D It took me awhile to figure out what she was saying, and actually it was the other teacher who finally clued me in, but once I got it I couldn't stop laughing and then I gave her a playdoh eyebrow wax!