Saturday, July 30, 2011

This poor blog... so neglected :( I feel bad that I really never have anything to say.

Anyway, I started a new teacher blog that I will hopefully keep up with since it serves and actual purpose. Check it out!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Refashioned Dress/Shirt

So I've been dying to recycle an old piece of clothing into something new for awhile now. I see all these amazing pics on Pinterest and of course think "I can do that!"
I had a dress that my Mommy gave me that is such a pretty color and so cute on the hanger but unfortunately it and my hips did not get along. So I decided to turn it into a shirt or two.


The quality of this picture is awful and I'm new to Picnik so it's not a great adjustment either. Anyway my idea had been to move the ruffles from the bottom up and make it a ruffly shirt. So I cut the ruffles off the bottom VERY CAREFULLY which if you know my patience level then you know that was very hard for me to do! :)

Unfortunately once I got it cut apart and tested it the way I wanted to do it it didn't look as nice as I thought it would. So for now I ended up with this...

If anybody has any ideas what I can do with the ruffle part let me know!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Try Again

Well I fell off the Joy bandwagon a LONG time ago but I'm ready to jump back on! Things have been a little tense lately and I've spent many an evening moping around the house. So today I decided it's time for a little joy! Last time I dubbed it 100 days of joy but quite frankly counting UP to 100 can be quite daunting so this time I'm counting down to 1!

So here we go...#100

At work this week I've been waiting...and waiting...and waiting...on a possible change. And I'm still waiting. But in the meantime a different change came about today and I'm super excited! So today I'm finding joy in good change. (And never going hungry! ;))

Feel free to share your joy for the day! God Bless, Vesta